viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Bueno, chic@s, hoy daremos el curso por terminado, se acabaron los deberes...por ahora. 
Os deseo que os vaya muy bien en el instituto, trabajad y esforzaos y estoy segura que de saldréis airosos también de esa etapa que comenzaréis en septiembre. No nos olvidéis y venid a vernos y a contarnos cómo os va, sabéis que nos gusta que lo hagáis y siempre seréis bien recibid@s.
Disfrutad del verano y no olvidéis practicar el idioma que habéis aprendido, si se os presnta la ocasión.😉
Un abrazo muy fuerte y mucha suerte para tod@s

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

Lesson 35 REPASO
2nd session of the week to carry out on Wednesday 10/06/2020

I have realized that you have had some problems to distinguish between these structures that we use to say that we are excited about something that is going to happen. 

  1. "To be looking forward to+ verb-ing"
  2. "To be looking forward to+ noun"
  3. "Can’t wait to+infinitive"
*You have to notice that after number 1  you must write the form of the verb with the "ing" ending and after number 3  you must write the bare infinitive. Let's see some examples:

1-Look forward to doing an action.
  • We are looking forward  to meeting you.
  • I'm looking forward to seeing my brother.
  • They are looking forward to having news from you.
  • She is looking forward to visiting her granny.
2- Look forward to something.
  • I'm looking forward to my birthday.
  • We are looking forward to the party.
  • He is looking forward to your arrival.
  • I'm looking forward to my holidays.
3- Can't wait to do an action.
  • I can't wait to buy my copy of the book
  • She can't wait to unwrap it.
  • We can't wait to see your face on the video.
  • They can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Lesson 33-34
Session of the week to carry out on Thursday or Friday (4/06/20 or 5/06/20) or on Monday or Tuesday (8/06/20 or 9/06/20)
(Sorry I didn't upload correctly this post and you couldn't see it in time, so you can do it this week)  Open your Class Book and go to page 66-67. This is a reading lesson, so you only have to do exercises 2 and 3 orally.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

Lesson 32 REPASO
2nd session of the week to carry out on Wednesday 03/06/2020

THIS WEEK THERE IS NOT "LIBRARY TIME". JUST READ, LISTEN, WATCH AND LEARN Today we are going to speak about the future again.

As I told you last week, there are different ways to talk about the future in English ,  we focused on the use of  "will" and "going to", now we are going to study another way: "The present continuous"
We can use the present continuous to talk about arrangements (plans which you have organised) in the future.
My brother is playing football with his friends tonight.
I’m going to the cinema at the weekend.
Are you having a party for your birthday?
Present Continuous Future
Let's watch some videos
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lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Lesson 31
1st session of the week to carry out on Monday or Tuesday (1/06/20 or 2/06/20)

 Open your Activity Book and go to page 58, do exercises 1,2 and 3.

 * Extra point exercise: CHALLENGE. You have to write about your plans for the next school year and send me a picture of your writing, if you do it, you can get an extra point.